My Family and me..

As you can see from the picture left hand side, he is my little brother. He is 10 years old right now. The age difference between me and him is 10. It is quite big difference. Unfortunately i don't have pictures from the rest of the members of my family. The other members of my family is obviously mom and dad. If they read this they would be upset but thanks god they are not going to! To sum up, this is my family and I am happy to have such a good family. 

More information about me..

As i mentioned on the home page, I just became 19, so it is good to get elder for now. I don't know if my opinion is going to change after i become 30. But for now, I am quite happy to get elder. It is because it makes me tired to go to college everyday.Maybe it is because of the system how it works in colleges. Whole year we as students are studying. At the end of the year we have a exam and if you pass with a good mark everyone thinks that you studied a lot. On the other side if you can't be that successful, you become lazy student for everyone. But no one thinks that maybe student was nervous, excited or feeling bad before the exam. People just think that depends on the grade that you have got. 

Anyway lets change the topic. I know it is boring for you to read these kind of things. I was in Ankara since when I was 16. I have studied there my primary school, secondary school, and half of the high school. And then I have had to move to Romania for one year. I have studied there 1 year. It is difficult to call that there to be honest because I did not really go to school so often. They were so easy going and I used that benefit.And then my father agreed with me to send me to the UK. Firstly I did not want to live alone because I am quite lazy person. I knew that if I came here I would wash my clothes alone. I had to wake up without someone helping me or I had to leave all tasty food. Finally I agreed with my dad and I accepted to go to the UK. The biggest reason for me to accept it that two of my cousins were going to study in Bellerbys College as well. So I would not be alone.. 

When we were searching Bellerbys College, it seem that it was good college. The only thing that disappointed me is when we asked them they said that they have sport facilities. They have football team and basketball team. But when I arrived here, there was no football and basketball team. That is why i really gain weight here. Thanks Mcdonald's and Subway. Of course I need to say that college's food was one of the reason as well. We are not able to eat that food. So at night we order fast food. The result is obvious...

This is my second year in the UK. But foundation is one year. It is strange when you think like that. This is my second year because of A-levels. First I came here, I studied ELPP which is English Language Preparation Program. This was just for one term which is 3 months. And then I started to A-levels in January. The mistake that I have done is I have chosen Sociology, Economics and History. As you can understand, all subjects that I have chosen are depending on your language. By that time my English was not that good. So I failed obviously. But I was not expecting to fail with one E and 'Us. When I first saw my marks I was shocked but after a while I understood that I was not stupid. That year 75% of A-Level students changed with Foundation program.. Now I am studying Foundation and I don't think that I am going to fail from this one as well..

What are my plans for the future???

Of course I am not going to study in Bellerbys College forever. After 2 weeks, I am going back to Turkey and stay there for 3.5 months. After that I am probably going to Royal Hollaway University. I will study there Business and Management and mainly Marketing. When I finish university, I want to go back to Turkey and work there. I have 2 choices. First choice is to work in family business or start my own business. I have not decided yet. I am going to think about it later. The thing that I know for sure is not get married until I get 30s. By that time, I will enjoy my life for sure. When I marry, my life is going to finish half-way.. I will have a monotone life. So I do not want to think about that for a while.

This is the end of ''About us(just me)'' section. If you have any questions about anything, please let me know from contact me section which is in Friends page (the last web page before blog).. =))